Sunday, May 17, 2009

Revenue Management

My theme for the week is revenue management. Revenue management, as a lot of you know is the practice of differential pricing for different market segments with the aim of maximizing profits. A common example is pricing of airline tickets. Most airlines have a pricing structure; wherein they charge a lesser amount to people who are willing to book their tickets in advance and higher price is charged to people who need to book at the last minute. It is very interesting how an airline company in such a scenario allocates its capacity (number of seats) to the two different segments, especially when we look at the scenario in light of demand uncertainty. If the airline knows exactly how many customers would need to book their tickets at the last minute and would be willing to pay a higher price for the same, it’s obvious that the airline would want to reserve that many seats for the higher price segment and the rest of the seats it could sell at a lower price which other customers are willing to pay. This kind of an arrangement makes sense as it would maximize revenue as well as profits because the costs for an airline are mostly fixed costs and the variable costs are a small fraction of the total costs (like the cola and the peanuts they may or may not serve you during the flight).

Although an ideal situation, it is not practical by any stretch of imagination. Usually demand is uncertain and the demand from the high price segment arrives later in time in comparison to demand from the low price segment. How does an organization then deal with such uncertainty in demand? To answer the question we consider a model for allocating capacity to a segment under uncertainty (Chopra, et al., 2006). Consider only two segments (for the sake of simplicity) and the price paid by the lower price segment to be “p1” and the price paid by higher price segment to be “p2”. Also assume that the demand from the higher priced segment is normally distributed and has a mean “M” and a standard deviation “σ”. Now if we allocate a capacity of “Ch” for the high price segment the total revenue expected from the high price segment (R) would be:

Probability (demand from high price segment > Ch) x p2.

The capacity Ch should be allocated such that the expected revenue from the high price segment (which would materialize later in time) is equal to the current marginal revenue from the lower price segment, i.e. (R=p1).

In our case we would hence have the equation:

Probability (demand from high price segment > Ch) x p2 = p1.


Probability (demand from high price segment ≤ Ch) = 1- p1/p2.

From this equation one can easily calculate Ch considering the assumption of demand from the higher price segment to be normally distributed. Using MS-Excel the calculation can be done as follows:

Ch = Norminv (1-p1/p2, M, σ).

A similar approach can be taken even if there are more than two market segments and we know the demand for each of those segments to be normally distributed. We would only need to obtain a set of reservation which would be nested. In reality however, there are multiple price slabs and demand is sometimes not normally distributed. Also the demands from different segments may not be independent and there are seasonal variations to consider as well. There are specialized software that are employed by airline companies to forecast demand and to solve the differential pricing problem.

How is all this of any use to you? (I am assuming you don’t own an airline company). You may be a freelancer who has a few regular clients who you charge a lesser price (p1) and stream of irregular clients who are willing to pay you a higher price (p2) and you can use this philosophy to maximize your revenue. The capacity in this case could be your time or any other resource (that is limited) that you use. You may be a small business owner and you could use differential pricing. And finally you may be a student or any average person and might find this interesting from a purely academic perspective.

Reference:Chopra S., Meindl P., Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operation (3rd edition), Pearson/Prentice Hall, NJ, 2006.

Square Zero

I have been thinking about this for a while……for about 42 seconds now. I think I want to start this blog with a theme based on Supply Chain Management, or to be more accurate some of my thoughts on the subject. I know I am no expert, but this is only a way of sharing my thoughts with you (I am hoping someone would read this…… Now that’s being presumptuous, but it’s good to be a little optimistic whenever you want to start something that’s not well thought out).

Oh! By the way…..don’t expect me to stick to SCM (or any other topic for that matter). I shall wander from topic to topic without any notice or provocation from time to time as my thoughts wander. You have to keep in mind that this is not a serious dissertation on the subject; it’s just a random blog.

“All those who wander are not lost.” - J.R.R Tolkien